What does “living small” mean? It’s not just tiny houses.

I titled my first book The Little Book of Living Small, but I realized I have never specifically written about what “living small” means to me. At its most basic definition, living small means residing in a small space. However, it does not mean living in a tiny house or a one-room apartment.
What is the definition of living small?
Merriam-Webster gives the primary definition of “small” as “having comparatively little size or slight dimensions.” Comparatively is the key word here. My idea of small may vary greatly from yours. For some, two thousand square feet may feel tight after living in twice that space. In my early twenties, my friends were astounded that I could live in a 250-square-foot studio but compared to the county park cabin I had recently shared, it was my own personal palace. Small is relative and your idea of small may change over time.
Using the phrase living small also implies a conscious choice. For many people, living in a small space is not a choice, but a necessity. But for those of us who could choose to live large, there are many reasons to limit your footprint—from economical to philosophical. It may not feel like a choice to live small when you live in an expensive city like New York, like I do, but even if you didn’t choose the smallness of the space you inhabit, you chose New York, Paris, Tokyo, or wherever you call home that’s forcing you into tighter quarters.
No matter how many square feet you inhabit or where you live:
Living small is simple.
Living small is smart.
Living small is responsible.
When it comes to lifestyle, there are some definitions of the word that “small” is not. Small-space living is not cramped, paltry, inadequate, or of little consequence. Small is less, but better. Living small is choosing quality over quantity and experiences over things.
Living small has a larger meaning
Over time, “living small” has also come to have a larger meaning for me. Living small means living sustainably: Having a small footprint, consuming less, and trying to create as little waste as possible. When I talk about living small today, I almost always mean this larger idea of a small life.
Living small also means living locally; it means being engaged in your community. In recent years, I’ve taken an interest in hyper-local politics and activism. People who live small are working to improve the world outside their doors, not just within their homes (in part because getting out of your small space is so key to making it work!). For me, a small lifestyle means trying to consume local foods, learn the names of native plants of my region, and understand the land on which I am rooted.
What does living small mean to you? I’d love to hear your thoughts and add to this definition. I’d also love to hear how big your home is, if you identify as someone who is living small.